Rick Crawford, who represents the Arkansas first district in Congress, poses with undergraduate after his speech.
Dr.Charles Hartwig receiving the ArkPSA Distinguished Scholar Award from Dr. Carol Strong.
Dr. Charles Hartwig and Dr. Jay Barth after they both received the ArkPSA Distinguished Scholar Award
C Taylor Summerville and Dylan McClain
Rick Crawford, who represents the Arkansas first district in Congress, receives a welcome present from Dr. Hans Hacker and the Arkansas State University Political Science Department.
C. Taylor Summerville and Peggy Wright
Dr. Haroon Khan
ArkPSA panelists
Political Theory roundtable
undergraduate panel
undergraduate paper presentation
Dr. Jay Barth receiving the ArkPSA Distinguished Scholar Award from Dr. Carol Strong.
Dr. Hans Hacker
Political Theory Roundtable: Matt Evans, Carol Strong, Donald Gooch
ArkPSA members taking a break from paper presentations
Dr. Mike Rogers and his student C Taylor Summerville